Having ideal customer details on your profile helps us find you the connections you're looking for. See the steps to completing the section below:
- Go to Your Business Profile.
- In the pop-up window, start by selecting your Customer Type and Customer Location.
- Fill out the Who Would You Like to be Referred to section by adding the tags that identify those customers. These are your end consumers or your end customers.
- Add the types of businesses that You Can Share Referrals With or the types of businesses which can help you reach your ideal customer through referral or co-promotional partnerships.
- Describe your Ideal customer in more detail in the box below.
- Click Save!
Adding your logo to your business profile helps with branding for your business.
- Go to Your Business Profile.
- In the top section of your profile containing your business name, click the Add Logo icon or your existing logo to update or add your business logo.
- A pop-up window will appear and you can select to upload a photo of your new logo.
- Position your logo to appear best in the box using the Preview feature.
- Save your logo by clicking Confirm.
Promotions and Services
- Go to Your Business Profile.
- Click on the Promotions & Services tab.
- Click Add Product/Service.
- A pop-up window will appear where you can fill out the information.
- Click Update to save.