Key Points
- Establish, maintain and proactively articulate your group’s culture in writing
- No hidden or unspoken rules or guidelines
- While Alignable Trust & Safety is always working behind the scenes, you own your group’s moderation practice
- Alignable Trust & Safety reserves the right to make final decisions on moderation decisioning
- Adjudicate posts according to group & Alignable rules and guidelines
- Be objective, no ulterior motives such as hiding a competitors posts
- Select moderation message category to ensure education is automatically sent
Specific common Alignable “hide” triggers in posts
- Advertising language and images
- Posts greater than 1000 words
- Political words/phrases
- Religious words/phrases
- Contact information
- Phone number, addresses
- Non Alignable event links
- Smart Connects and profiles are the only approved link
- Spam behavior
- Copy paste is the big driver here