Available Payment Methods & Billing Periods

Available Billing Cycles

You can choose between an annual or monthly billing cycle when purchasing any of our subscription plans and you will be charged at the beginning of each billing period. You can save 17% off a subscription when you purchase the annual plan. You can always track when your billing period will renew at your membership page.

All billing renewals will occur on the day of the month on which you upgraded, at the exact same time.

Available Payment Methods

For members looking to upgrade their Alignable account to a subscription plan, are looking to pay for a sponsored placement in one of Alignable's community newsletters, or to join a paid group, we accept the following payment methods:

  1. Pay by Credit Card
  2. Pay with Apple Pay or Google Pay
    • Alignable also accepts payment via Apple Pay and Google Pay when purchasing a subscription or sponsorship via mobile devices.
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