To list your business on Alignable, you can simply sign up by going to our website Once there, you can follow these steps:
Click Sign Up
In the top right-hand corner, click Sign Up to start creating your account.
Type in your business email address.
Start creating your account by filling out the email address you would like to use to log into your Alignable account and click Sign up.
Tell us a bit about you and your business
Start creating your account by typing in your name, business name, and business address. If you work from home, or if your customers are primarily in a different area than the location you are in, select an address in the area where you do the most business.
Verify your business.
To finish creating your account, you might be asked to verify that you are a real human through SMS or manual verification. If you were invited to join Alignable by an existing member, you may not have to do this step.
Tell us what industry your business is in.
Start typing the name of your industry. Select an industry from the list of suggestions or type whatever custom name you would like to give your industry.
Tell us about the types of referrals you are looking for.
Selecting your customer will help us determine who to refer your business to.
Select where your customers are located.
By selecting where your customers are located we will be able to find the right referral opportunities in your area.
Tell us about your customers.
Select up to 5 types of businesses that work with you.
Start building your network.
Add your email address and we'll import your address book to suggest connections (This is an optional feature).
Please Note: only businesses located and operating within the United States or Canada are able to be part of Alignable. This also includes our members, you must be within the US or Canada to become a member of Alignable.