How can I report abuse on Alignable?

Alignable is a community built to help small businesses not go at it alone. It's where they can connect, exchange referrals, and get advice from peers from all across North America, all to help each other grow.

We understand how important it is to the small businesses who use Alignable that the platform be a place where they can safely communicate and build relationships. That's why we take our responsibility to keep abuse off of the network seriously and have developed our Code of Conduct and Alignable Groups Rules & Guidelines to describe what is and what is not acceptable activities on Alignable. We do not tolerate inappropriate conduct or behavior such as scams, spam or hate speech.

We ask our members that if you do come across such behavior on Alignable, that you report it to us immediately using the steps below and we will investigate and take appropriate action.

When should you report another member of Alignable?

If you believe a business on Alignable is a scam, fake or fraudulent business.

Including, but not limited to:

  • If you believe a business is a scam, phishing, or malware. This means someone asked you for personal information or money or posted suspicious links.
  • If you believe a business is too promotional or spammy. This means if a business posts irrelevant content to drive large amounts of visibility.
  • If you believe a business is a fake company. This means a phony profile was created or is impersonating another person or business.
If you believe a business on Alignable is sharing, discussing, or posting content or messages that may be inappropriate.

Including, but not limited to:

  • Offensive language. If you believe the topic of someone's content or message is offensive.
  • Content that displays pornographic or sexual content. 
  • Content that promotes terrorism.
  • Content that is violent, shocking, or displays gruesome images.
  • Content that contains hate speech. Including racist, homophobic or sexist slurs and/or inciting violence.
  • Harassing or threatening speech.
If you believe the business has closed.

Including, but not limited to: 

  • If someone you know owned the business and would like to report it as a closed business. 
  • If you live in the same area and noticed that the business closed. 

Do not report a business as a closed business if you are the owner of the business. If you are the owner of the account, you can regain access to the business account previously created by you, an employee, or a colleague by submitting an account recovery request. Once you have accessed the account, you will be able to edit or deactivate the account.

What you'll need to report a member.

Information about the member or business you would like to report.

  1. Business Name of the reported member. 
  2. Profile URL of the reported member. (
  3. Location of the reported member (city, state or province, and country).

We will also ask you to submit certain information about your business. This information will not be shared with the business you are reporting. This information will only be used to find your Alignable account to further understand interactions you may have had with the reported member on Alignable.

Once submitted, our Network Security team will investigate the reported member and their account and take any appropriate action deemed necessary.

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