How many Connection Credits do I have and when do I get more?

When do I get more credits?

Free Members
You will have 5 credits to use each month. This number will reset each month from the day you joined, or the day you downgraded your membership plan.  Seeing the number of connection credits you have left is a paid feature. 
Paid Members

If you are a paid member, you get new connection credits at the beginning of each billing cycle. In other words, you will receive more credits on the day of the month on which you upgraded or are charged for your monthly renewal. For example: if you upgraded on the 12th of the month, you'll get more credits on the 12th of each recurring month.

  • Alignable: 15 credits
  • Premium: 30 credits
  • Premium +: 100 credits
How many connection credits do I have left?
You can learn how many connection credits you have left on your My Membership page. Click Here to go to the My Membership page to see when your Connection Credits renew and how many you have left.

To find the My Membership page, follow these instructions: 

    1. Go to your business profile by clicking on the My Business (▼) dropdown on the top-right section of the site. Click Account.

    2. Click on My Membership found in the toolbar located on the top of the screen.

    3. In the top right corner, you can see how many connection credits you have left for the month and when your connection credits renew.

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