What is Alignable?

Alignable is the networking platform for businesses.

We’re rewriting the rules of networking by creating genuine opportunities and encouraging meaningful relationships. That way, business owners can grow a network of trusted, authentic connections, without the sales pitches and small talk.

What to expect

Networking looks different here, thanks to quality events, smart introductions, and our authentic community of business owners.

Whether you want to meet genuine people to do business with, or to connect with like-minded people for advice or support, we’ll help make it happen.

Who we are

Alignable was founded with a clear mission: to empower businesses by creating a vibrant, supportive, and interconnected business ecosystem across North America. We understand the challenges and opportunities that businesses face, and since 2014 our team has been dedicated to providing the tools and resources needed to overcome these challenges and succeed.

What makes Alignable different from other social media platforms?

Alignable is not your average social media. In fact, we don’t consider it one. Alignable is the only professional space where business owners can connect with other entrepreneurs at a local level. We have put policies in place to keep our members' conversations productive and professional- intentionally geared to drive value for our members. Say goodbye to spam and solicitation and say hello to Alignable!

What makes Alignable valuable for my business?

The opportunities are endless! Alignable directly connects you with local business owners in a way that no other platform can. By using these connections, you can spark conversations and find value through the relationships you form. If networking isn’t all that you’re looking for, we have endless discussions and learning opportunities to fine tune your business. We help you stick to what you’re good at, while empowering you with resources and support to succeed at the rest.


Grow your business on Alignable 

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