Posting to your network is a great way to let your current connections know of a new tip you learned, a new milestone you hit, or that you are seeking advice.
Your post will appear on the Home feed for those connections already in your network.
Before Posting Remember:
✅ Do's
- Write in your genuine, professional voice
- Write original and relevant content for your network
- Create posts in a conversational format that are meant to get others to start a conversation
❗ Don't:
- Post your contact information (i.e. phone number, address, email, etc.)
- Post non-Alignable links intended to lead members off of Alignable for sales purposes
- Post promotional content (ads, specials, deals, etc. - those live in your profile)
Instructions to Post into My Network
- Log into your
- You will land on your Home Page
- Scroll down to see the "Post to My Network" box
- Type your post & add an optional image
- Click Post
Please Note: Posting content that violates Alignable's guidelines including but not limited to profanity, hate speech, vulgarity, and the like will be moderated and hidden from the feed.