How Do I Add or Edit the Banner Image on My Profile?


  1. Go to your business profile by clicking on My Business in the top-right section of the site.
  2. If you have already uploaded a banner image before, click anywhere on your banner image to update, or edit, or click the blue Change button to upload a new banner image. Otherwise, click the blue Upload button.
  3. Search for an image to upload that is saved on your computer. We recommend uploading an image of size 1120 x 304 pixels in JPG, or PNG format. Select the image you'd like to upload to continue.
  4. Once uploaded, you can resize or crop your photo to your preference by using the corners of the image, or by dragging the crop. You can also use the horizontal cursor to zoom in and out of the image or click Reset to reset your sizing or crop.
  5. Once you are happy with your image and how it looks in the preview section, click the blue Confirm button. Then click the blue Save button.


You will need a 3rd party tool to resize your image such as Canva, or Adobe Image Resizer.  If you have an in house marketing department or Graphic Designer, they can easily do this for you. 

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