The best way to find any type of business on Alignable is by using the . It's the best tool to find businesses you can trust in a specific industry or location and to find businesses with whom you have mutual connections.
- Type in and select from the dropdown options one or more industry categories.
- Type in and select from the dropdown options one or more cities, states, or provinces.
- If you are only looking to work with highly reputable businesses, use our reputation and relationship filters to find businesses worth working with.
- Choose the 2nd-degree relationship filter to see businesses you have mutual connections with.
- Filter for Highly Recommended businesses to see businesses that have 5 or more recommendations.
When you go to the My Network page you'll be able to find the different types of business Alignable is suggesting for you to connect with based on who you are, or that you've detailed on your profile that you want to connect with!