Basic Plan Account Restrictions

Starting May 1st, 2024 Alignable is updating our free membership plans.
If you’re a free member with over 25 connections, you have 30 days to upgrade to a
paid membership. After this period, free members with more than 25 connections will
no longer be able to network with new people on Alignable, though you can still
interact with your existing connections.

Alignable is changing the way we structure our free and paid plans as we focus our resources on enhancing the quality and experience of members who invest in their networking on our platform.

With your free Basic membership on Alignable, you receive a limited number of Connection Credits to connect and introduce yourself to members in and around your local area. These credits are a great way to explore Alignable and meet some great members. Once free members reach the 25 connections limit on Alignable, they will enter a trial period for 30 days. During these 30 days, you can fully experience Alignable as any other free member does, including receiving connection requests, messaging, and networking.

All free members will continue to access their account and see all of their current connections, but will begin experiencing limited access to paid networking features like new connection requests, messaging, posting in groups and communities, the full functionality of the network relationship manager (NRM).

All current free members will receive at least 30 days to continue enjoying full access to their network and Alignable paid features. Upgrade to one of three paid plans (Growth, Pro, Elite) by your deadline to avoid any limitations.

Alignable is devoted to creating the best platform for business networking and relationship building. We've worked hard since 2012 to keep the pricing and our plan structure the exact same, but we have had to make changes in order to continue to build new features and expand Alignable to make it more relevant for your business. This new structure is intended to help you explore the usefulness of Alignable for your business.


It's time to get more out of the time you spend on Alignable!  

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